Bronwyn Robertson, LPC
Bronwyn Robertson, LPC
Integrative, Mindfulness-based, Wellness-oriented
Tele-Counseling For Personal Growth and Healing
Integrative, Mindfulness-based, Wellness-oriented
Tele-Counseling For Personal Growth and Healing
Vicarious Trauma and Compassion Fatigue in Foster and Adoptive Parents
September 17, 2019
Sheraton Oceanfront Hotel
3501 Atlantic Ave
Virginia Beach, VA 23451
Vicarious Trauma and Compassion Fatigue in Adoptive Parents
Virginia Department of Social Services Annual Adoption Conference
November 2, 2018
Richmond, VA
W.I.S.E. UP (c)Center for Adoption Support and Education) https://lfsva.org/tfcopenhouse/
Lutheran Family Services - Foster Care and Adoption Open House
August 14, 6 to 7:30 pm
Hampton, Virginia
Vicarious Trauma Exposure, Secondary Trauma, and Compassion Fatigue in Foster and Adoptive Parents http://valcpa.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/VALCPA2018-2.pdf
Presentation at VALCPA conference
September 18, Virginia Beach, Virginia
Being Aware: Drugs, Alcohol, and Mental Illness in Birth Families http://afth.org/calendar-of-events/
Educational course sponsored by Adoptions from the Heart
17 Sep 2016 11:00 Saturday
Adoption is all about being aware and one day helping your child be aware as well. Join us as Ms. Robertson helps us to understand drugs, alcohol, and mental illness concerns in birth families. Bronwyn Robertson is a licensed professional counselor who has lectured and published internationally on mental health and psychotherapy. She has extensive experience working with individuals who are challenged by addiction, anxiety, depression, psychosis, trauma and stress. She works with foster and adoptive youth, and their families, at Lutheran Family services in Newport News, and has a private practice in Norfolk. For more information on her work at Lutheran Family Services, please call her at 757-722-4707. For more information on her private practice, please see her website: www.BronwynRobertsonLPC.com
Chesapeake, VA
Free Teleseminar: Cinematherapy: A Transformative Catalyst
A Free Teleseminar hosted by Imagery International
September 6, 2016
4 p.m. PST
Join us for a talk with psychotherapist Bronwyn Robertson about her recent publication by the American Counseling Association: “All things connect: the integration of mindfulness, cinema and psychotherapy.” Her article explores how the integration of cinema within psychotherapy can be a powerful, transformative catalyst for personal growth and healing. As noted in the article, she has integrated cinematherapy within an experiential, mindfulness-oriented approach with well over a thousand clients, ranging in age from three-years-old to 70, with remarkable results. She will discuss how this multisensory, multilayered approach to therapy reaches people at a very deep level, emotionally, spiritually and even neurophysiologically.
Bronwyn Robertson is an integrative psychotherapist who has lectured and published internationally on mindfulness-oriented cinematherapy, mindfulness-based psychotherapy, and the treatment of anxiety and trauma. She is in private practice in Virginia and also provides therapy for youth in foster care and in the adoptive process via a nonprofit community agency.
Demystifying Mindfulness
I am offering an experiential workshop exploring the applications and integration of mindfulness within psychotherapy and counseling at the upcoming Complementary and Integrative Wellness Institute on 6/25/16 in Norfolk, VA. http://www.integrativecounselingwellness.com/complementary--integrative-wellness-institute.html
Therapy for Adoptive Youths and their Families
I am offering adoption-focused therapy for youth, ages 3 to 18, and their families free of charge via Lutheran Family Services in Newport News under a grant from the Center for Adoption Support and Education. In addition to therapy services, workshops for families and youth and professional training for school counselors and teachers are also provided under this grant. Please contact me at Lutheran Family Services 757-244-4707 if you are interested in these services.